Phantom of the opera cast david cassidy
Phantom of the opera cast david cassidy

Therefore, when his contract was up in 1999, he decided to move on and produce his own show in Vegas, AT THE COPA. He aggraivated some old injuries and got some new ones to boot! He'd injured his back, legs, and his ankle. More than once, when David disapeared from stage and was supposed to land nicely onto something soft, he instead hurt himself. It was a very dangerous show with all the special effects, hence the name EFX. While doing EFX, David himself was the victum of some stage mishaps. He was also chosen City Life's "Entertainer of the Year" and was dubbed "Show Star of the Year" by Gaming Today. In 1999, David was again named "Best All Around Performer" in the Review Journal's Best of Las Vegas.

phantom of the opera cast david cassidy

Within four months of opening, the show was voted "Most Improved Show in Las Vegas", "Best Production Show" in Las Vegas, and David was voted "Best All Around Performer" and "Best Singer." The MGM acknowledged that David Cassidy was singularly responsible for bringing over 1 million paid customers to see EFX. EFX then became the most successful production in Las Vegas. They gave it more of a plot, made it less dark, introduced a circus act, and Cassidy wrote new music for the play. Under David Chisium and David Cassidy's creative direction, EFX was entirely re-vamped. In the end, Crawford stayed in hospital for quite a while and decided not to return to EFX. It was not originally known how long David would be taking over as Crawford's contract would be up in a few months and they didn't know if he would return. David said he would as long as he could have creative input into making major changes. The producers of EFX had seen David in "Blood Brothers" and contacted him about taking over the lead role. Then Crawford injured himself while doing the show. The show was doing fairly well but it was not the big hit that MGM had expected. The show originally starred Michael Crawford of "Phantom of the Opera" fame.

phantom of the opera cast david cassidy

In 1996, David took over the lead role at the MGM Grand in the $75 million extravaganza EFX.

Phantom of the opera cast david cassidy